
Copper Artwork MUR Pyramid Sculpture Yin Yang Pyramid Visit Our…

5:42 AM

Copper Artwork MUR Pyramid Sculpture Yin Yang Pyramid Visit Our Gallery Online Here: http://bit.ly/2bjVFRP The MUR Naga Ying/Yang Copper Pyramid is a pyramid made out of clay and painted with copper and black gesso paint. This unique style of a pyramid was inspired by The great pyramid of Giza, the pyramids, and building structures in Cambodia and the new style of pyramid building which is known as orgonite pyramid. But most importantly the Yin/Yang Taoist concept for peace and balance which embodies the masculine and feminine principles. Each pyramid was built to be palm sized. They can be placed on nightstands, desktops,desk at work they are also great energy pyramids. This is one of the reasons why I created this style of a pyramid. It was important to me also to create something that was so unique that people would be drawn to this pyramid. The size I wanted to create small miniature sculptures, geometric sculptures that people would feel great being around the energy of art that makes them feel good this is why I call my particular brand of art energy part because it changes the room in which each piece is in there very unique and are great conversational pieces. Specifications: Each parent has a 2-inch base the medium used is Clay copper paint and black gesso. Each pyramid is unique there is no two. Ms. that will be the same each one has a different energy that would resonate differently but all of them were created with the intent and the purpose of creating beautiful energy in any space that it’s placed it. Follow Us Online Here: https://youtu.be/I8jLLsfe5Co http://ift.tt/1GkEN5p http://ift.tt/2bjXRc2 http://twitter.com/murpyramids

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via orgone pyramid, geometric art, copper pyramid, meditation pyramid

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